
Let Me Know

Ok, for real- a serious blog.

I want to know your thoughts on any or all of the below ideas:
_Christianity vs world religions. (Is Jesus really the only way? Or just one of many?)
_Christianity: what does it mean?
_If Jesus were to come back today, what is the one thing he would hate about what he sees the Church doing?
_If Jesus were to come back today, what is the one thing he would love about what he sees the Church doing?
_Which one makes you more nervous/uncomfortable: calling yourself a Christian in front of non-religious colleagues, or walking by a homeless man on the street on a dark night? Why?
_Which is more difficult: saying you're a Christian and really truly believing it, or saying you're a Christian and doing it? Why?
_Would a non-religious person know from your decisions if you were Christian? If you were religious? What would they think?
_Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?


Anonymous said...

Yes--definately belly buttons! Adam's was quite larger due to a mix up removing his rib. :)

Ryan Redding said...

... nice.

hippychick said...

I'll just quote the Bee Gees... How deep is your love? No easy answers! I am a Christian, don't deny it but also don't like to openly admit it when not acting like one... it embarrases me even though I know he is not expecting perfection. I have so many faults... too many to count but not too many to remain hopeful in His Grace. That was a deep blog for a much anticipated return. Thanks for making me think!! Cause you know, I need more reasons to question my self esteem. I think no belly buttons, they were not born of the womb. I think the belly button evolved as a way to keep your kids on a leash!!!

Ryan Redding said...

Thanks for that, Kim. I love quoting the Bee Gees.